Porcelain Dental Veneers or Veneers are an ideal cosmetic solution for everyone who desires a beautiful smile with minimal invasions into their teeth. We can improve your facial appearance and boost your confidence with dental veneers by hiding your natural teeth behind a very thin layer of porcelain. Veneers can be used to change the shape, size, color and symmetry of the teeth and smile. Dental Veneers If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are a simple option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as: teeth that are stained and can’t be whitened by bleaching chipped or worn teeth crooked or misshapen teeth uneven spaces or a large gap between the upper front teeth Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. Your dentist will help you choose the material that is best for you. Each type of veneer has its own benefits.Call now at (503) 614 – 0198